Exposed Brick Building
Brickwork is masonry produced by a bricklayer, using bricks and mortar to build up brick structures as walls. A Bond is the pattern how bricks are laid. Where the bricks are to remain fully exposed, as opposed to being covered up by plaster, this is known as face-work or facing brickwork. As a Quantity surveyor, we have to recognize and understand the pattern in order to calculate the the quantity accurately.
Brick work bond
English Bond
- A traditional bond.
- Very strong bond and usually used in factories, stations & retaining walls or is always likely to be found in the wall of bridges.
- Easy to recognize because it consists of a course of headers followed by a course of of stretchers.
- One header is placed centrally above each stretcher.
Flemish Bond
- Also known as dutch bond.
- Consists of alternate headers & stretchers in every single course.
- Not as strong as the English bond but is more decorative pattern than English bond especially if the header use a differently coloured brick.
- Requires fewer than English bond.
English Garden Wall Bond
- An alternative version of English bond with header courses being inserted at every fourth or sixth courses.
- There is also a Scottish bond or American bond featuring 5 courses of stretchers between courses of
- Not as strong as true English bond but was quicker and cheaper to lay because stretchers are easier to lay than headers.
Flemish Garden Wall Bond
- The number of stretchers is increased.
- The header bricks are separated by 3
- The headers of even numbered courses are set to the centre on the middle stretchers of the underlying odd numbered courses.
Header bond
- Using only the header (end) of the brick as the facing wall
- Not used as often as Stretcher bond, but is equally
- It is popular for diaper work. When bricks of different colours are used to make a regukar pattern, it is called
- Sometimes used to make a building looks bigger.
- Not preferable to use for load bearing wall.
Stretcher Bond
- Easiest bond to lay, minimizes the amount of cutting required.
- Most common.
- Consists of all stretchers in every course.
- Used in half-brick walls.
- Only possible in case of walls with less thickness.